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    Wednesday, June 10, 2009

    BJaMs World| The BACKLOG @ Backloggery

    I have created a Backloggery website for BJaMs World!  Here, I list every game that I own legitimately (including all systems, even iPhone- excluding any ROMs) and tells which of the games I have beaten, and what I am currently playing.  I invite you to check out my collection and leave me some feedback if you want- tell me what games I am in dire need of, what games I should get rid of, what game you would like to read a progress report from a play-through of on BJaMs World, or whatever else comes to that creative mind of yours.  And feel free to make fun of my wonderfully tacky Microsoft Paint avatar job at the top of the Backloggery page- it is my first attempt, and I don't hate it. =)

    Again, that link is here: BJaMs World| The Backlog

    Misc. Notes on Current Going-Ons in my World:

    • I have been making a lot of very good buys for very cheap lately, and all those have been added to the Backlog.  
    • Also, at the Backlog you can add yourself and your game collection!  Be sure to add me as a friend.  
    • I have been toying with the idea of adding a Twitter account to BJaMs World, but I am trying my best to stay out of the world that is Twitter.  However, this may appear in the future.  Do you have any opinions on this?  Would you be interested in this, or would it be boring to you?  Any comments on the Twitter idea are encouraged!
    • I have recently downloaded Final Fantasy VII from the PSN, and I started playing it on my PSP, so I have decided that I will start listing updates on that every time I get around to playing it. 
    • I really want to post play-throughs on youtube, but I do not have a tuner card to do so.  Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this without purchasing anything?  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
    • I have created a account for BJaMs World, and I embedded the video down below.  When I want to stream, I will move the video up top, so that it is easier to access.  Right now, I am just using my MacBook built-in iSight to stream and record because it is free, and not the worst thing I have ever seen.  
    Alright, that covers everything I can think of for now.  

    Thanks for reading.


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