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    Friday, June 19, 2009

    4th Down, 8-Bits to Go: Week One Post Game Show

    Be sure to check out the post below, or my YouTube page, to watch the game before reading the post game show because there will obviously be spoilers!

    4th Down, 8-bits to Go | Post Game Show | Skinning the 'Skins
    Week One saw the Detroit Lions grab hold of Washington, and simply make them look silly! The Lions offense put up over 300 rushing yards on the Redskins defense, and their defense put up on a showing with a double digit number of sacks!

    The Redskins defense was simply unable to stop Detroit. The only time the Peete and the rest of the offense touched the ball and DIDN’T score, was on an interception in the second half (Peete’s first of the year). Barry Sanders ran for over 250 yards, and had a mammoth 5 TD runs. Peete got in on the scoring action late in the game with a 25 yard TD run to pour salt on the wound.

    But, you can’t do it with just offense, and the defensive display put on by the Lions today was something out of storybooks. In the second half alone, we saw Chris Spielman sack the Redskins QB Rypien a whopping EIGHT (8) times! Adding his sack from the first half, Spielman walks out with 9 sacks, and an obvious assist on the Leroy Evans safety sack at the end of the game.

    The Detroit Lions coach was overheard saying that if the defense wasn’t able to catch up with Clark on that reverse as time expired on the first half, the momentum would have been entirely on Washington’s side, and the game may have played out differently in the second half (he was also sure to say with confidence that the result would have been the same- a Lions win). And coach was unable (or unwilling) to comment on the status of return man/RB#2, Mel Gray, who went down with an injury on his first return of the game. Gray was seen a lot the past two seasons due to injuries to the #1 RB, Barry Sanders, and Gray was able to help pull the Lions into the second round of the playoffs two years ago when Sanders was benched due to fumble-itis; Gray was replaced by Wilder, who had a very good day returning kicks. But, I am sure the Lions will want Gray back as soon as possible to secure up that back-up RB position, and add some more speed to the return game.

    Next week, the Lions take on the in-conference rival Green Bay Packers in Green Bay. This will be another big game for the Lions as they try to win back the conference they won a year ago, and earn that ever-important first round bye. Be sure to watch Barry Sanders, and the rest of the Detroit Lions right here on BJaMs World next week!


    Alright, there we have it- BJaMs World's first ever 4th Down, 8-bits to Go post game show! Hopefully you guys can give me a rating of the video on YouTube. Now, I wanted to post a link to the information of my first two seasons in Tecmo Super Bowl. I realize that there is no progression in TSB, but it is still fun to act like there is (using my imagination on this one). So after my first two seasons I wrote down my thoughts on season, stats, and goals for the following year. I uploaded that file to Google Docs, and you guys can view it right here. I will also add it to my links section in case you ever want to look at it really quickly and this post is archived. One of my goals that is unlisted for this season is to try and break the new TD record set by Barry Sanders last year, so I will be running with him for about 97% of my plays. I will use passing only when necessary, or when I get bored of running.

    If you have any questions, suggestions, want more info on a certain aspect of my season, just email me!

    Thanks for reading.

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