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    Sunday, August 30, 2009

    A :B: For All Marathon- Update

    I am officially 1/5 of the way there now! I just beat Waverace 64 (N64), and that game has quickly become a favorite. Outstanding water physics, pretty enough graphics, and pure fun! Here is the latest info:

    A For All Marathon|

    Rules| This marathon is simple- I am to one game for all 25 of the systems I own. This is a 25 game marathon that has no time limit. I will use Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for a Genesis game due to the fact that I despise RF cables, and don't want to hook it up. Everything else will be played on the original system. Note that I would have to beat ALL of the games on the SUGC for that to be considered a beat, not just the one for my Genesis beat. For this marathon, I must start a game from the beginning, not one that is already in progress (sports games are excluded from this rule due to their length). Below are the systems. I don't know which game I will use for each system yet, but I will update that as I go along. This marathon is the brainchild of JJKul; I take no credit|

    Current Status: 5/25

    1. NES|
    2. GB|
    3. SNES|
    4. GBC|
    5. GEN|
    6. N64| Waverace 64
    7. PSX|
    8. DC|
    9. PS2|
    10. GBA|Tekken Advance
    11. Xbox|
    12. GCN|
    13. Mac| The Oregon Trail
    14. PC D/L|
    15. PC|
    16. iPhone|
    17. NDS|
    18. PSP|
    19. 360|
    20. XBLA| Trials HD
    21. PS3|
    22. PSN| Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic
    23. Wii|
    24. VC|
    25. WiiWare|

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