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    Sunday, February 7, 2010

    BJaMs World Comes Home - The End

    It has been a great run on Blogger, but I have made a move and some changes. This blog will no longer be updated, but never fear, you can still find my useless ramblings on these new blogs here:

    Psymin's World- Essentially the predecessor to this website; a blog about video games, sports, or whatever the hell else I want to post about.


    The Movie Files by Psymin- My movie blog that is following my girlfriend and I's quest to watch at least 169 movies in one year. Contains mini-reviews on the movies we watch.

    Thank you for visiting BJaMs World, and I hope you will join me on my new endeavor at the new site. These are just the stepping stones to what I hope will eventually be something much more.

    It's been a...quick year and half.

    Thanks for reading.

    | BJaMs World | October, 2008 - February, 2010

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