Yesterday I was reminded why I love my Playstation 3 so much- it's exclusives, though not many, are usually excellent. inFAMOUS (yes, I feel the need to spell it that evERY single time) is outstanding! I started playing it Monday for a couple minutes, and was a bit disappointed with the shooting mechanics of the game, so I didn't play very long. But, yesterday, I decided to give it another go. Turns out I was just being an idiot, and the shooting controls are perfect the way they are (perfect, that's a word I very rarely use when talking about a video game). I was just planning on playing for a little bit, but then, 5 hours later, it was dinner time and my girlfriend was over, so it was time to stop. The last time I ever spent more than 3-4 hours in front of one game, that wasn't a sports title, was Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for the Playstation 2- I just don't sit with one game for THAT long. But, inFAMOUS grabbed me in with it's unique storytelling, superb graphics and unmatched fun and refused to let go. I kept saying- "well, just one more mission, then I'll quit".
Another interesting point is that I was planning on just going through the story missions, and leaving the side stuff alone, but after I finished one side mission, I was rewarded in a way that kept me coming back for more, so that's exactly what I did. I am 5 hours into the game, and halfway through it at this point. inFAMOUS is, without question, the best game I have played so far in 2009. Now, I don't want to get crazy and start throwing the "GOTY" tag around, but I will say this- if you have a PS3, you need to play this game!
inFAMOUS is staring me down from the TV screen in front of me as I type this, so I am off for a few hours!
Thanks for reading.
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