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    Friday, May 8, 2009

    BJaMs World| The Revamp

    As you may notice I have decided to change the mission statement (if you will) of this website.  While I still have grandiose desires of completing exuberant amounts of games, it's going to have to be a solo endeavor because the group just can't seem to get back together anymore (once college is done, things simply become more difficult to do).  But, rest assured, BJaMs World will not be going anywhere!  Instead, I, Psymin, will be taking on the world of video games (for the most part) alone.  I will be going back to a lot of retro games on the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, etc., and even moving a lot to the handheld Game Boy Advance system.  I have made some recent purchases of a Super Nintendo (which I am VERY excited about) and a boat load of games (spending money like I have it!), so I am hoping to beat the actual game cartridge whenever possible (as opposed to the rom).  

    Another thing I want to start making a habit of is posting Top 10 lists (because lists are GODLY!).  I have this idea of making Top 10 lists for the years that I have been alive.  So, for example, I would start with The Top 10 Games of 1986, then go all the way to The Top 10 Games of 2008, and hit every year in between.

    I also have a challenge in mind for The Cram Session which I teased in an earlier post.  I don't want to give it away just yet because I am still working out the details, but I will say that it is a challenge on a retro system~ 8-bit gamers, take note!

    This post is really just an update post to keep you informed on where I am going with this site.  As always, if you have any comments or questions or requests or ANYTHING, please, send me an email at!

    Thanks for reading.


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